Message from the CEOAbout Us
To be the world’s most reliable
engineering plastics supplier
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Established in 1962, in the industry’s earliest days, Polyplastics is Japan’s first specialized manufacturer of engineering plastics.
Engineering plastics transform into various shapes around us to support our lives and enrich our quality of life.
We go beyond simply selling materials and strive to provide solutions through communications. We thus use these plastics to create unique value together with our customers. We call this the “Polyplastics Way,” with the aspiration to be the company that best embodies this philosophy in the world.
In our corporate philosophy, we mention that “always stand closest to our customers.” Polyplastics has, since the beginning, put the best interests of our customers first. In order to create special value with engineering plastics, we promote research and development, produce a stable supply of high quality products and provide satisfactory services.
We will continue to strive to be the most reliable engineering plastics company, and provide the world with solutions that exceed expectations.
Polyplastics Co., Ltd.
Takashi Miyamoto
President and CEO